This morning was our last session with Leah's grade 5 class. My group and I finished drawing pictures of clouds that they saw during the project. Jolene drew cirrus clouds, Amelia drew nimbostratus, and I drew altocumulus. Afterwards we headed to Jeens's class to make a temperature pictograph. While Ashley was talking to the kids, Jonathan sat in one of their little chairs. He looked so silly it made me laugh and I had to take a photo to share.
Jonathan sitting in a grade 2's chair. |
Grade 2s attaching their coloured thermometers to a string. |
Jeena's grade 2's temperature pictograph. |
In Darlene's class after our break, we coloured in thermometers and wind blades so that we can put together a couple pictographs tomorrow. We then went to Meeka's energetic grade 4 class where we finished making the pictographs and coloured a banner to title their display.
Meeka's grade 4s making a wind speed pictograph. |
More of Meeka's grade 4s colouring letters for the banner. |
After lunch we finished up our projects with Tamie's grade 6s. My group wrote a paragraph about collecting data.
Writing out the good draft of our paragraph. |
We spent a half hour with Caleb's grade 7s, trying to come up with a project, before heading to Pat's cute grade 1 class to finish making the temperature pictograph and colour letters. We ended the day off by starting a project with Veera's grade 6s. Today ended 20 minutes earlier than we expected; it turns out the grade 6s have a shorter school day than grade 7s.
We planned on going to a community sing-a-long this evening at 7, but my 20 minute nap turned into 2.5 hours, waking up hungry at 6:30 with a really bad ear ache. We ate supper, took some DayQuill, and played a few games of Euchre. Ashley amused us with card tricks for a bit before we decided to retire to our rooms. I am a little upset with myself for not going out into the community more this trip, however, I am hoping that staying in today will give my body the strength it needs to fight off whatever it is I caught.
Cute pics Mel. Perhaps your earache has something to do with flying and weather changes, etc. I also have an earache but it is seasonal allergies. There is so much pollen right now. We hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy your time there.